I was kicked off Medium.com for reporting science

When Medium.com started, I was in the second group of writers invited to participate. I have been writing there ever since. In early October, 2023, Medium deleted my account for failure to comply with their thought police. They sent me a message saying my account was suspended because my writing about climate science was a violation of their policies. I replied, saying I publish and write about peer-reviewed research from reputable journals. They got back to me, saying the ban is permanent.

I am setting everything up here. If you can help me put my mailing list together, I really need help in that department. I’m good with content. I’m terrible with all the mechanics needed to build an audience.

It’s a lot of work. You’ll see progress here over time. There’s already a lot here. Please explore and tell others to come as well. I don’t want to be dependent on any thought police to tell me what I can and can’t write.


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